Thursday, March 12, 2009


“I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.”
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.”

Are you looking for a way to get your kids involved with the “Go Green” message of Living Like Ed? Revisit an old favorite (or discover its deliciousness for the first time): the timeless tale of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss…

**A long time ago, there was a beautiful place filled with colorful Truffula Trees and wonderful creatures called Swomee-Swans, Brown Bar-ba-loots and Humming-Fishes. Wouldn’t you like to visit such a fantastic place? Well, the trouble is this place no longer exists, thanks to the Once-ler who came into town and chopped down all of the trees just to make some nifty thing that everyone, everyone needs (well, not really, but it’s awfully neat). A fuzzy yellow guy named the Lorax tried to stop this Once-ler, but no one listened…and now, the Lorax has left, too. Come hear the story told from the point of view of the Once-ler, and discover that there is hope. If people like you care enough, you can help make this world a better place. You can help clean up the environment and make a difference!**

There are multiple copies of The Lorax available for checkout at all three of our Burbank libraries. During Burbank Reads, we have even put a couple copies on hold in our Children’s Libraries to always be available to read inside of the library. So, come enjoy our cozy spaces, and share the magic and wisdom of Dr. Seuss and his The Lorax!

For more environment-themed book titles for children, please visit our “It’s Easy Being Green” booklist link on our Library Catalog here.

Posted for Jennifer!

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